Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Taranto: How Dangerous Was It?

James Taranto

Hillary Clinton wants us to believe that being first lady was a dangerous "job," and not just because it entailed being Bill Clinton's wife. Newsday reports:

Ever since Barack Obama suggested Hillary Clinton's eight years as first lady were a glorified tea party a few days back, she's looked for an opening to strike back.

On Saturday night in Dubuque she pounced, arguing she risked her life on White House missions in the 1990s, including a hair-raising flight into Bosnia that ended in a "corkscrew" landing and a sprint off the tarmac to dodge snipers.

"I don't remember anyone offering me tea," she quipped.

One cheer to Mrs. Clinton for that subtle jab at creepy Joe Wilson. But this gives us pause:

It turns out that Clinton wasn't quite flying solo into harm's way that day.

She was, in fact, leading a goodwill entourage that included baggy-pants funnyman Sinbad, singer Sheryl Crow and Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, then 15, according to an account of the March 1995 trip in her autobiography "Living History."

So Mrs. Clinton took her 15-year-old daughter on this death-defying junket? And now she wants to be our mother?

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