Friday, October 31, 2008

So much for spreading the wealth around...

Patriot Post

At one point Obama said, "Just because I want to spread the wealth around, they call me a socialist. The next thing you know, they will call me a communist because I shared my peanut butter sandwich in kindergarten!"

Cute. Of course, Barack Obama isn't proposing to "share" his sandwich. Instead, he's proposing to take your sandwich and share it with someone else. He's assuming that you aren't charitable enough to share it yourself.

Truth is, it is unlikely Obama ever shared a sandwich with anyone. With an average annual income of more than $500,000 between 2000 and 2006, Barack and Michelle only gave two percent—two percent—of their income to charity. Obama's running mate is even more miserly. The Bidens' income averaged $260,000 over the last 10 years, but they averaged just $650 a year in charitable giving.

So much for "spreading the wealth around."

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